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GUH Business Survey 2024 | Enabling Commitment

Global Underwater Hub is again taking the temperature of companies working in the underwater industry through its 2024 Business Survey, which is now open for responses.

As the leading trade and industry development body for the UK’s underwater sectors, GUH is seeking to gather the thoughts and opinions of the companies that make up the industry supply chain.

Building on our 2023 report which explored the industry’s capacity, capability and confidence to deliver upcoming projects, this year’s survey sets out to explore how commitment can be a key driver to unlocking market opportunities. Commitment sits at all levels and stages of the lifecycle of a project, and spread equally across all stakeholders – from legislators and policy makers, to operators, financiers and suppliers.

Commitment drives confidence, produces purchase orders, rewards capability and provides the necessary surety on what capacity is required.

Through the contribution of companies, our 2024 business survey will help to again inform, influence and assist decision making across the spectrum of underwater industry stakeholders, including government, investors, technology developers, training providers and industry.

The deadline for responding to the survey is Monday, 01 July, with the results being published in the autumn.

In the following video, Steve Fernie, strategic programme manager at Global Underwater Hub explains the focus of this year’s survey.

If you have any questions, or require more information, please e-mail

GUH Business Survey 2023

 In 2023, for the first time this decade Global Underwater Hub took the temperature of the UK’s £8billion underwater industry, gauging the thoughts and opinions of companies working across the sector. The report detailed the capacity, capability and confidence of that these members of underwater industry supply chain had in meeting the demand of planned multi-billion pound investments in the UK and overseas.

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The publication highlighted the key industry sectors and geographic markets being prioritised by companies and how transferable they deem their products and services. Survey respondents noted concerns and challenges around market diversification, skills and investment.


To launch the publication of the 2023 Business Survey, Global Underwater Hub welcomed guests into its event studio to discuss and analyse the survey’s key findings and explore how the underwater industry supply chain can fully capitalise on future planned investments.



Read and download the Global Underwater Hub Business Survey 2023 to discover the UK’s underwater supply chain’s views on its capacity, capability and confidence to deliver current and future projects.

The report also outlines the percentage of companies that are actively exploring international markets and the factors that are hampering capacity. Hard copies of the report will be available from Global Underwater Hub offices. 

Download your copy here:


​For further information about the survey, please email us at