Market Intelligence Platform

The dashboard can be navigated either by selecting a sector from the centre of the home page or by navigating the sector menus at the bottom.

Each chart can be used as a filter for all others. For example, selecting "UK" within the countries chart will filter all projects in the list to be those situated in the UK. Project detail, including relevant news and contract awards, can be viewed by clicking the project name. All pages and filters can then be reset by clicking "reset filters" at the top right of the dashboard.

The Market Intelligence Platform provides a dashboard style visualisation of all project data held within the system.

Project navigation, news archives, contract archives and saved searches can be searched and edited from the menu above the dashboards. Within each sector dashboard a variety of charts / maps / graphs are shown, together with a project list.

Ready to give it a try?

​​We invite you to try our new Intelligence Platform for yourself and hope that you will find it intuitive and easy to use. If you require support, please contact the team at
