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About Offshore Renewable Energy Catapult

ORE Catapult was established in 2013 by the UK Government and is part of a network of Catapults set up by Innovate UK in high growth industries. It is the UK’s leading innovation centre for offshore renewable energy. Independent and trusted, with a unique combination of world-leading test and demonstration facilities and engineering and research expertise, ORE Catapult convenes the sector and delivers applied research, accelerating technology development, reducing risk and cost and enhancing UK-wide economic growth. Active throughout the UK, ORE Catapult has operations in Glasgow, Blyth, Levenmouth, Aberdeen, Hull, the South West and Wales and operates a collaborative research partnership in China.

+44 (0)333 0041400
Latest from Offshore Renewable Energy Catapult

ORE Catapult welcomes Great British Energy commitment to invest in UK supply chains and infrastructure

ORE Catapult appoints international renewables leader to its Board

ORE Catapult CEO to stand down after 12 years at the helm